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Happy Creations By Jessie Mae

Hi I'm Jessie! I'm the owner and artist behind Happy Creations By Jessie Mae. I paint, create novelty art, home decor, and upcycle furniture that just needs a little love!

I have started a Gourmet Pantry offering delicious products including tea, candy, bread, jelly, and more!

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Mon. - Sat.: 10am - 5pm ---- Sunday: 11am - 4pm 791 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, Florida 32901 [email protected]

Tag: motivation

The little things

It’s The Little Things

Having a small business is no piece of cake, as many of my friends could tell you. There are times where you feel like giving up, that you’re not good enough, and that no one really needs what you’re selling. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make all the difference.

The most important thing to remember when you start a business is to have a good support system. This helps A LOT until you have a consistent customer base. My family and friends have been there for me through all the stages of Happy Creations, and the other day I had the sweetest interaction with one of my customers.

An Afternoon At Sweet Home Vintage Market

Every week or so, I visit my booths at Sweet Home and Uptown. These visits are for adding inventory, rearranging some things, and sprucing up my merchandise. Recently, I took a trip down to Sweet Home to replenish some items and was pleased to see a healthy number of customers perusing the shop. After hanging a new piece, a group of women walked into my booth talking about how they loved my merchandise.

I don’t believe they knew it was my booth at first. I introduced myself as the owner and was pleasantly surprised by how enthusiastic one of them was. 

“Oh I love your booth, I buy from here all the time!” The woman was so kind, and had brought in her friends/relatives to look in my booth. Having that interaction erased any of those doubts about my business. Even if just for an afternoon, I was confident in the time I spent working hard on my Happy Creations and building this business. 

Moral of the Story

If you find yourself struggling with your business, your career, or just in life (it’s hard regardless of what you do!), remember that there are people out there that support you and love you. Even if you don’t know who they are, there’s someone who roots for you. Take solace in the little things that bring your joy. And above all else, God will show you that you are loved when you need it most.

Thank you for being here, and remember where you can find me! If you’re not located on the Space Coast, I’m now offering a selection of home decor, pantry items, and the cutest little teacups in my Shopify store. Check it out here! 

Like me on Facebook, follow me on Instagram, and check out my Pinterest to stay updated on my work. My blog is a great place to keep up with what I’m doing. So be sure to pop in again soon!